- Georgina, Guinea Pigs, Harlow, Jewellery, Lifestyle, Ohm Beads, Ohm Reviews, Ohm Style, Ohmily, Pandora, Pandora Style, Zooey
Ohm Beads + Pandora Bracelet Design With Me | Meet My Guinea Pigs
In this Pandora Bracelet “Design With Me” video, I incorporate three special Ohm beads charms onto a new Pandora Bangle Bracelet design. I also ended up personalizing a few of my charms for this bracelet. I also introduce my three adorable pets. You will get to meet my guinea pigs as I share some cute facts about each of them. This video is in loving memory of my dearest best friend, Harlow. Kristella, thank you so much for letting me know about the Guinea Pig charm from Ohm Beads! @chocokittypie on Instagram
Ohm Beads + Pandora Bracelet Ohm Beads Guinea Pig Charm Ohm Beads Guinea Pig Charm Ohm Beads Guinea Pig Charm Ohm Beads Guinea Pig Charm Furry Family:
Harlow (left), Georgina/”Georgie” (middle), Zooey (right) -
Harlow | In Loving Memory
Before, we were looking over you, Little Love. But now you are looking over us. Harlow was my furry best friend and a beloved family member. This video was very special and therapeutic to make, although….quite difficult at times. Harlow always use to lay on my lap when I was editing videos…and would steal licks from my tea. It was strange to edit a video without her. But I have the sense she was still very close by.
This video was made for my husband and I, her two sisters, Zooey and Georgina…and anyone who knew and loved Harlow. She was very unique and special…she was more like a little dog than a guinea pig. She was extremely talented, intelligent, empathetic and unconditionally loving. Whenever we miss her terribly, wish we could stroke her, hold her or give her a treat…we can look back on some of our special memories and moments with her.
Harlow became a real life angel on April 13th 2019. She passed away in my arms, with my husband (her daddy) and her sisters, Zooey and Georgina beside us. We said a prayer over her, as she was passing and told her how much we loved her and blessed we were to enjoy 6 beautiful, perfect years with her. I am so happy I was able to spend all day and night with her…the last night she slept inside our bed with us, surrounded by love and support through out the night, so she never felt alone in her pain. I didn’t sleep, I just wanted to hold her and to look after her. It was so hard seeing her in pain. So hard. She didn’t want us to make a decision on how to help her, she chose for us…we had just found out the day before and the vet gave us the option of surgery or to let her live out her life, since (at that time) she was still eating and was doing okay. I’m so happy she will no longer feel any pain from the cancer/tumor, arthritis, etc. and I will treasure every memory forever. She was one in a million.
I miss you, Harlow… But I’m so happy you are in heaven and I’ll see you again, one day! ???? promise. Before, we were looking over you, but now you are looking over us. I know you are close by, even though we cannot see you.
Harlow, my furry best friend and beloved family member. The cutest little guinea The best little model <3 You filled our world with joy. Forever in our hearts.