Fun In-Love Gift Set + Care Kit Giveaway | Official Rules, Terms and Conditions
So excited to be able to say a huge, THANK YOU for all your support, encouragement, kindness and friendship by having my first ever giveaway. OFFICIAL GIVEAWAY RULES
a. Enter through Gleam at this link
Leave your YouTube username (as your name), your birth date and a valid email address.
b. Be Subscribed to YouTube channel fashionstoryteller, and Instagram @MyPandoraCharms
c. Leave a comment on this video, with the answer to this skill testing question:
25 + 88 x 5 -1 = ___?
Winner will have to answer the skill testing question correctly to claim their prize.
Entries will be accepted beginning March 31, 2019 at 3:30PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time (“EDT”), and will not be accepted after April 15, 2019 at 11:59PM EDT. During the Giveaway Period, only one (1) Entry permitted per Entrant.
A total of one (1) random draw will be performed in Canada on April 16, 2019 by 11:59PM EDT. Winner will be contacted via the email address that they provided in their Giveaway Entry. Winner will have 72 hours to claim their prize. If the Winner does not respond by April 19, 2019 11:59 EDT, a new Winner will be selected and given 72 hours to claim their prize.
Once a winner has claimed their prize, the winner will be announced via @MyPandoraCharms Instagram stories.
One winner will receive the following: Pandora “Fun in Love” Gift set (Valued at $220 CAD) that includes 1 Pandora Rose Heart Clasp Bracelet, 2 Shining Path Clips and 1 Path to Love Dangle Charm that comes inside a pink Pandora jewellery box. The winner will also receive a Pandora Care Kit (Valued at $20 CAD) that includes a tooth brush, 2 polishing clothes (1 for pandora rose, 1 for silver) and 1 clasp opener.
No purchase necessary. Void Where Prohibited. Unsponsored giveaway. Prize was purchased by fashionstoryteller.
Gleam will be collecting birth dates to confirm the age of majority of giveaway entrants, YouTube username in “name” field, and email addresses of giveaway entrants.
Personal and private information is collected for the sole purpose of contacting the winner and shipping the prize to winner’s address. No personal information will be used outside of this giveaway. The winner will be contacted by fashionstoryteller, and the winner will need to provide their mailing address to claim their prize. The winner is expected to pay any applicable taxes, duties or fees related to this prize.
This Giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Pandora, YouTube, Gleam, Instagram, or Facebook. Entrants understand that they are providing their information to Gleam and fashionstoryteller, and not to Pandora, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook. Any personal information an Entrant provides will be used for the administration of the Contest. Pandora, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram are completely released from all liability by each participant in this Giveaway. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contest must be directed to fashionstoryteller and not Gleam, Pandora, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook.
In accordance with YouTube’s contest policies and guidelines, entries which don’t comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service will be disqualified.
Standard text messaging and/or data rates may apply to Entrants who submit an Entry or otherwise participate in this Giveaway.
By participating in this Contest, each Entrant agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless fashionstoryteller from and against any and all claims based on publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, trademark infringement or any other cause of action; and releases fashionstoryteller from any and all liability in connection with this Giveaway and their participation therein. Anyone deemed by fashionstoryteller to be in violation of the letter and/or spirit of these official rules for any reason is subject to disqualification in the sole and absolute discretion of fashionstoryteller at any time.
fashionstoryteller will not be liable for: (i) any failure of any website or social platform during the Giveaway; (ii) any technical malfunction or other problems relating to the telephone network or lines, computer on- line systems, servers, access providers, social platforms, computer equipment or software; (iii) the failure of any Entry to be received for any reason including, but not limited to, technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, social platform or mobile network; (iv) any injury or damage to an Entrant’s or any other person’s computer or other device related to or resulting from participating or downloading any material in the Giveaway; (v) any issues with mailing the Prize to the Winner including, but not limited to delays in delivery, lost or damaged goods; (vi) any duties, taxes or fees incurred by the Winner for receiving their prize and/or (vii) any combination of the above.
To be eligible to enter this giveaway, an individual must be over the age of majority, and a legal resident of Canada (excluding Quebec), United States, United Kingdom, Australia (excluding NSW & ACT), New Zealand, Netherlands and Ireland.
-Entries which do not comply will be disqualified-
By submitting an Entry to the Giveaway as described above, the Entrant (the person who submitted the Entry) agrees to do communicate with fashionstoryteller electronically and agrees that the act of submitting the Entry to the Contest is a binding form of your electronic signature, which you agree binds you to these Official Rules.
PANDORA is a registered trademark of Pandora A/S
a. Participer à travers Gleam à ce lien:
Laissez votre nom d’utilisateur YouTube (en tant que votre nom), votre date de naissance et une adresse e-mail valide.
b. Abonnez-vous et suivez la chaîne YouTube de fashionstoryteller et à Instagram @MyPandoraCharms
c. Laissez un commentaire sur cette vidéo, avec la réponse à cette question d’habileté technique :
25 + 88 x 5 -1 = ___ ?
Le ou la gagnant(e) devra répondre correctement à la question réglementaire si dessus pour pouvoir réclamer son prix.
Les participations seront acceptées à compter du 31 mars 2019 à 15 h 30 (heure avancée de l’Est « HAE ») et ne seront pas acceptées après le 15 avril 2019 à 23 h 59 HAE. Durant le concours, une seule (1) participation est autorisée par participant.
Au total, seulement un (1) tirage au sort aura lieu au Canada le 16 avril 2019 à 23 h 59 HAE. Le ou la gagnant(e) sera contacté via l’adresse e-mail fournie dans son bulletin de participation. Le ou la gagnant(e) aura 72 heures pour réclamer son prix. Si le ou la gagnant(e) ne répond pas avant le 19 avril 2019 11h59 HAE, un ou une nouveau(elle) gagnant(e) sera sélectionné et aura 72 heures pour réclamer son prix.
Une fois qu’un ou une gagnant(e) aura réclamé son prix, il ou elle sera annoncé via les Instagram Stories de @MyPandoraCharms.
Un gagnant recevra: Ensemble-cadeau Pandora “Fun in Love” (évalué à 220 $ CAN) comprenant 1 bracelet à fermoir Pandora Rose en forme de cœur, 2 Shining Path Clips et 1 Path to Love Dangle Charm qui se trouve dans une boîte à bijoux rose Pandora. Le ou la gagnant(e) recevra également une trousse d’entretien Pandora (d’une valeur de 20 $ CAN) comprenant une brosse à dents, 2 chiffons de polissage (1 pour la rose Pandora, 1 pour l’argent) et 1 attache-fermoir.
Pas d’achat nécessaire. Non valable ou interdit. Cadeau non sponsorisé. Le prix a été acheté par fashionstoryteller.
Gleam collectera les dates de naissance pour confirmer que les participants sont majeurs, le nom d’utilisateur YouTube dans le champ “nom”, et les adresses électroniques des participants.
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Ce prix n’est en aucun cas sponsorisé, soutenu, administré par, ou associé à Pandora, YouTube, Gleam, Instagram ou Facebook. Les participants comprennent qu’ils fournissent leurs informations à Gleam et à Fashionstoryteller, et non à Pandora, YouTube, Instagram ou Facebook. Toute information personnelle fournie par le ou la participant(e) sera utilisée pour l’administration du concours. Pandora, YouTube, Facebook et Instagram sont entièrement libérés de toute responsabilité par chaque participant à ce concours. Toute question, commentaire ou plainte concernant le concours doivent être adressés à fashionstoryteller et non à Gleam, Pandora, YouTube, Instagram ou Facebook.
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– Les inscriptions non conformes seront disqualifiées –
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PANDORA est une marque déposée de Pandora A / S
My Lego Disney Castle
It doesn’t get much better than a Lego Disney Castle inspired by the actual Cinderella Castle in Walt Disney World! My lovely husband surprised me with the Lego Castle for Christmas, as well as the Lego set for Cinderella’s Carriage. I shared my progress of building it on my Instagram stories and when I finished, I posted a photo asking if you’d like to see more pictures of it! So many of you messaged me saying you would love to see a video about it…so, here it is! I hope it adds a bit of magic into your day.
SHOP LEGO DISNEY CASTLE: https://shop.lego.com/en-CA/product/T…https://www.shopdisney.com/disney-cas… - Fashion, Fashion Diaries, Georgina, Guinea Pigs, Harlow, Jewellery, Pandora, Pandora Style, Petite Style, Zooey
Pandora Valentines | Bracelet & Outfit
Thinking about how blessed I am to have my sweet husband in my life. A new video is up on my youtube channel! I am so proud with how this video turned out. Would you believe I probably spent about 12.5 hours total with filming and editing? I tend to get these fun ideas and images in my head of how I want a video to look…and I may get a bit crazy with filming and editing to make it as close to the ideas in my head!
I often get asked, “who films your videos”. This is such a compliment to me because…well, actually I film all my own footage and edit it myself!!! I usually set up a tripod and play around with different angles. This may take more time, but it is worth it because I get some lovely shots.
Occasionally, (more so, if I am outdoors), my husband will help take some footage for me. I don’t like leaving my tripod and camera unattended, so I feel safer having him around to guide the camera! However, this can be challenging too because I am not always sure if he is capturing the exact angle I am envisioning. Often, I’ll try to show him first, so he can have a rough idea. But what also ends up happening, is he sees a cool shot or angle and I end up loving that too! In this particular video however, it was all filmed by me!Here is where you can watch my video! This particular video features my Pandora Valentine’s Day bracelet (all about the charm meanings and why I put them on) as well as detailed information about my Valentine’s Day outfit and other accessories including handbag, shoes and other Pandora jewellery. Here’s a couple shots:
Two special Pandora Bracelets and delicious Charbonnel Rose Chocolates My Loefflerr Randall Bucket Bag is the perfect handbag for Valentine’s Day! I love my blush velvet Nine West Shoes!!! What did you wear on Valentine’s Day and did you have a special Valentine’s Day outfit?
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Love Emily xxPandora Pandora Pandora!!! Pandora Valentines Day themed bracelet -
Valentines High Tea | Vegan Gluten Free
For Valentine’s Day, my husband and I went for high tea, after work! We had made a reservation to one of our favourite high tea spots and had been looking forward to it, for quite a few weeks.
This particular high tea spot is soo wonderful if you have gluten, dairy allergies or are vegan. They have a wonderful set menu for each or both of the concerns, so you never feel you have to make special requests. I cannot have gluten or dairy, so I always get the vegan option. It is amazing and their Valentine’s Day high tea was so beautiful done.Vegan, Gluten Free High Tea Delicious dark chocolate, rose and coconut chocolate Valentine’s Day Cupcakes Another lovely thing about this tea spot, is that you can have unlimited tea. This means, you can try a variety of tea and are not limited to one pot. If fact, you can even take a cup of tea to go, when you are done. And this is all included in both of their set high tea menus ($38 and $48 for the bubbly high tea).
They also steep and prepare the tea to the perfect temperature and time before bringing it to your table, so you are not obligated to time the steeping yourself. I love this because your tea is delicious and perfect upon serving!They have a mix match of the cutest tea cups! And I also decided to go for a glass of rose! They also have a large tea menu with the cutest names! Many of them are named after the fairytale, Peter Pan.
I love the tea, “Take Me To Neverland”. It is a mint and chocolate flavoured black tea. So many delicious options to choose from…and you can try a variety! The tea salon is decorated beautifully, with nods to Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and beautiful balloon and tea inspired details.
Spot the cute vintage balloon picture! Tea is always a good idea. Before heading out, you can take some treats to go too! We had such a lovely time and my husband surprised me with some beautiful Valentine’s Day gifts, including two new Pandora charms! Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post on these items.
What could be inside? We had such a wonderful time! Always amazing service and a romantic, yet fun dining experience. After we were done, we got some teas to go, packed up some treats we were too full to finish and headed to go see the new movie, Alita!
How did you spend your Valentine’s Day?Treats and Teas to go! -
My “go to” Pandora Earrings…for any occasion!
The best “go to” earrings are the ones that compliment any look or occasion. Fairytale Tiara Earrings
Pandora’s Fairytale Tiara Earrings Pandora’s Fairytale Tiara Earrings are so beautiful and unique, but classic enough to balance any look!!! I also love that they provide a “two looks in one” option…you can wear them just as a stud earring, as well!
Light as a Feather Earrings
Pandora’s Light as a Feather Set The “light as a feather” earrings were my first ever earrings from Pandora. I wore them for about 2 years straight. They have a beautiful sparkle about them and while they are a bigger earring, there is something very classic and wearable for them. I find whether I dress them up or down, they always work!!!
And if I can pick two more options…
I’ll be honest, I also have a few runners up, such as the Daisy Stud and Starshine Stud earrings. There’s something so effortless and easy about stud earrings!!!
What are your “go to” Pandora earrings?
My Trollbeads Collection
A little look at part of my Trollbeads Collection. Just missing my pendant! Today, I premiered my latest video on my Youtube Channel. It is really fun doing the Youtube Premieres because I get to chat “live” with you, as we watch the video! It truly feels like I am hanging out with my friends and getting to share my favourite things with them. Thank you to every one who was able to make it to the premiere!
Now, topic of the video? It was all about my, Trollbeads Collection. I had first heard about Trollbeads through my now friend, Jahndra from My.Xpressions. She had made quite a few youtube videos about them and on Instagram, I would see some charm lovers posting their bracelets and pieces. I always thought…maybe, one day I will get into Trollbeads, but for now…I am a devoted Pandora lover! I felt like I would be cheating on Pandora and did I really want to get hooked on/commit to another charm bracelet line?
Last year (I believe in March), I went to an independent jewellery store to get a unicorn Chamilia charm. This store use to carry Pandora and I had always loved the service and I was heartbroken (and so were they) when they had to stop carrying Pandora. They replaced Pandora with Chamilia and Trollbeads. I had decided to go see this unicorn charm in-person and to say hello to every one. They actually didn’t end up having the unicorn charm and I started to look around for their Trollbeads pieces and couldn’t find them. Well, the gentleman helping me told me they actually were getting rid of their Trollbeads line and they had a few trays left of the pieces, which he pulled out for me. The line wasn’t doing as well for them and all their pieces were 50%. So…needless to say, I ended up investing in my first Trollbeads purchase! How could I say, no?! I actually made a haul video all about my shopping experience, which you can watch here. From this purchase onwards…I fell in-love with Trollbeads and my collection slowly grew. My husband even ended up surprising me with three beautiful pieces!Top Three Reasons I love Trollbeads:
- They are so whimsical, artistic and romantic in their designs. They are truly works of art! Their glass beads are just stunning! And Trollbeads use to design and make Pandora’s muranos!!! This partnership ended a number of years ago.
- The quality of their silver is amazing and reminds me of “old Pandora”. The silver pieces have a beautiful weight to them and they also have gold pieces, as well.
- They continue to use real gemstones like quartz, moonstone, onyx, etc. in their muranos and charms. This is something I wish Pandora would do again and I miss it so much. Interestingly enough, Trollbeads is SOOO well priced for the amount of quality of their charms and it’s quite interesting when you compare the cost of a Pandora equivalent. That being said, I think Trollbeads is slightly more comparable to Ohm Beads or Red Bali Frog.
Here’s the link to my new video: My Trollbeads Collection
Do you own any Trollbeads jewellery? If so, what are your thoughts on their pieces? I would say my love for Pandora and Trollbeads is the same!
Thank you so much for reading! Chat with you in my next post!
Emily xx -
Davidstea | 28 Day Cleanse Calendar
With February here, I have started my new tea calendar from Davidstea: The 28 Day Cleanse. I have been a huge fan of their advent calendar since 2012, so when I found out they had a special “Dry February” themed one, I just had to get it! Plus, it is all my favourite kinds of teas: greens, herbals, whites, oolongs and even some rooibos!!!
Let the Davidstea countdown begin!!! With five days into the calendar, I can already tell you: I LOVE IT!!! It is so lovely coming home after work, to a delicious tea of the day. It’s a fun surprise to look forward to and warms the soul!
What will the the of the day be? So far, all the teas I have opened are ones I keep constantly buy or have tried recently. The Choco Chaga Detox was a newer tea I was introduced to, a few weeks ago. My local Davidstea told me I would love it…and especially iced! I’m not usually an iced the person (in the winter), but…WOW. I’ve gotten it a few times already! SO delicious and worth the colder cup in hand during the winter season. Now, the calendar was the first time I had the opportunity to enjoyed it hot…and as a latte. It was such a delicious treat…but so healthy!!! And I can’t honestly tell you if I like iced or hot better, both were equally yummy. I totally recommend this tea, if you haven’t tried it already. And I have better stock up on it!!!
Choco Chaga Detox is yummy hot or iced! Today’s tea was Goji Green. Such a fruity tea and makes you think of the summer time!!! And yesterday was Buddha’s Blend which always makes me think of the candy, Fuzzy Peaches because of the hint of peach in it!
Goji Green about to be enjoyed. Happy Lunar New Year, btw! I’ve also enjoyed my classic favourites, Organic Detox and the Skinny too. To my friends, these taste like “healthy, earthy teas”, but to me…they taste so good for the soul with delicious notes of ginger.
Well, that’s it for now. I will continue to keep you posted on my calendar openings. AND..if you’d like to see daily calendar openings (and cute guinea pig helpers), you can watch my Instagram stories here. I post the teas daily and will often include an instagram photo too!
Have a lovely evening!
Emily xxTea in a Mickey Themed Mug is always a good idea! Reaching for a cup of tea! Harlow is the best tea helper! She always makes sure they smell good! -
Sweater Weather Outfit of the Day
When it’s a warmer winter day and the sun is shining, it is so nice to go outside for an afternoon stroll. Although, my husband and I love to go on walks (or hikes) together, no matter the weather! It is such a great time to catch up on each other’s lives, share ideas and enjoy one another’s company. AND…to take some fun photos of each other!
While my husband is a bit “social media shy”, he did let me post one photo of him, or rather…his favourite shoes (see below). And he helped me take some photos of my outfit! Usually, I am always setting up my tripod and putting the timer on to take my outfit photos. But wow!!! He was such a huge help and we had fun taking creative shots together. He was so great at listening to my ideas and making them happen! What a difference it makes having your best friend help you!
Following this particular afternoon stroll/fun mini photo shoot, we headed over to a local cafe for some delicious tea lattes. They were wonderful, but sadly…no pictures to tempt you with!<3
Let’s head over to the outfit photos!
I was wearing a wool coat, but since it wasn’t freezing outside, I decided I could brave a bit more cold…for a few outfit of the day photos! 😉
Sweater: 1.State
Pants: Wilfred
Shoes: Nine West
Purse: Nanette LeporeThese flats are so comfortable and easy to walk in. And I love the light blush colour and velvet finish. I tend to opt for flats whenever possible or a nice chunky heel for casual weekends.
Flats: Nine West
Pants: WilfredMy husband loves these shoes. He has had them for over a year and loves dressing them up or down. He got them at the Hudson’s Bay.
Husband’s Shoes Today’s bracelet stack combined my, Enchanted Forest Pandora Rose Bracelet with my Pandora Rose Bangle. I also wore my tan sliding leather bracelet on my other wrist with accompanying rose charms. And (of course) a few Pandora Rings and my fairytale tiara earrings.
Pandora Rose Stack featuring the Pandora Rose Bangle and Bruno the Unicorn I purchased this Nanette Lepore blush pink handbag back in the summer time and what a fantastic purchase it was! I have worn it so many times and I find the colour still works well for the fall and winter, depending on what you pair with it! Blush can be a neutral! And I love how it looks paired with my box pleat pants.
Purse: Nanette Lepore
Pants: Wilfred -
Pandora Jewellery Christmas Swap with FierceZhai, MyPandoraCharmedLife and My.Xpressions!
Tomorrow, I will be premiering my last video in this wonderful Christmas Swap series that Elizabeth, Nichol, Jahndra and I all participated in! The creative idea to do a Pandora Christmas gift exchange was Elizabeth’s idea and she passed it along to us girls! I had never done a swap before and I was so excited! In this post, I’ll share a little more detail about the swap experience.
How We Planned It All Out!
Elizabeth and Jahndra had done a swap together before, so they shared all their tips with Nichol and I! We all decided to create wish lists of Pandora items we would love to own (retired, new, hard to find, etc). This way, we could get one another something truly special! We also created separate chat groups (excluding one of us), so we could discuss ideas on what to get and avoid gifting the same item!
Once we settled on who was getting what for who, we went shopping for those special Pandora items!!! And all of us cheated by including some fun, non-pandora gifts too!!! It was too hard not to want to spoil these wonderful ladies!Shipping All Over the World!
Once we had gathered up our items, it was time to wrap them and ship them off! What I loved most about Elizabeth, Nichol and Jahndra’s gift was how creative they wrapped their gifts. They had so many cute notes and hints on what to open first, etc. If I ever get to do a swap again, I am totally going to do this idea! I loved it and it made the gift opening experience very special and thoughtful.
Shipping was pretty interesting for all of us! Since we all live in different countries, it was quite an experience…especially, at Christmas time! One of the busiest seasons for mail services. For me, I had a few issues:
- Canada Post was on strike, but luckily it didn’t take too much longer for Elizabeth’s gift to arrive…and it did make it before Christmas, thank goodness. I had wanted to ship with Fedex, but it ended up being crazy expensive, so I decided to try it with Canada Post after they assured me it would make it there before Christmas.
- Fedex’s systems were down when I went to mail off Jahndra and Nichol’s gifts. They ended up loosing the handwritten paper work I filled out on both shipments. I had to make a few phone calls, but luckily…everything was sorted out, in a timely manner.
- If there’s one thing I would do differently with shipment, I would have sent my items out earlier!!! But that being said, everything arrived before Christmas.
And What Did We Surprise Each Other With?
Linked below are all three of my swap unboxing videos, with links to each friend’s unboxing video of the gifts I sent her!
I will say this as a tip: make sure your external microphone is fully charged before filming. While I was filming Nichol’s gifts, my external mic ended up dying and it caused some issues with the sound/audio quality. Luckily, I was able to edit the sound to be slightly better…but still not to my normal standards. I was so frustrated, but you cannot re-film a swap/unboxing video!My Pandora Swap with Jahndra My Pandora Swap with Nichol My Pandora Swap with Elizabeth -
Pandora Boxing Day Haul | Gold N’ Memories
Happy Weekend!!! I hope you are enjoying a relaxing and cozy Saturday as I write today’s blog post. And what is that blog post about? Well, if you watched my Instagram stories, you would have seen a mini unboxing of my Gold N’ Memories package that arrived on Thursday. It was my order from Pandora’s Boxing Day sale!!!
I really love ordering through Gold N’ Memories, far more than the Pandora estore. The staff are very personable and take the time to get to know you and help you out with your choices, whether it’s through email or the phone (I have yet to shop in person, but I am certain it is a great experience too). My absolute favourite to work with is Stephanie. She is just the best and is so genuine. Another great thing with ordering through Gold N’ Memories is the shipping! I find it much faster than the Pandora estore AND…you guys, they package it all so beautifully and securely. I never worry about any of the items getting damaged on the way.
Anyway…let’s get to what I picked out! Disney x Pandora charms were included in this sale, so I had to get the Mickey Mouse Spacers (two, of course), I got the Fairy Godmothers from Sleeping Beauty as well as the Aurora Murano.I also picked up the Positivity Essence bead. I’ve been told I’m an extremely positive person, so it made sense to add it to my collection…not to mention it is gorgeous!!! I love the white and grey detailing.
The last charm I picked out wasn’t actually part of the Boxing Day sale…it is a new release from the Pandora Valentine’s Day collection 2018. I just had to get him…I couldn’t wait for a promo!!! His name is Rob Bot (but I prefer to call him, Mr. Robot) and he reminds me of my husband. I am going to do a separate blog post on him, so stay tuned for the meanings behind him and some cute photos!
Anyway, that’s it for my mini haul…so curious to hear what you picked up from the recent sale!!!
All my love,
Emily xx