Updated Fairy Garden Pandora Bracelet | Design With Me
Happy New Year! I just premiered a new Youtube video about updating the design of my Fairy Garden bracelet. The design is very similar to the old design, but with the addition of two new Pandora charms that you would have seen in my recent, Rue La La Haul. This bracelet is so special to me as it represents my mother and my sister and I actually filmed a video about it, this past spring about the meanings of each charm, which you can watch here. Do you every like to update your bracelets or switch them out with different themes?
You can watch my design process here:
And here are some photos of my updated Fairy Garden bracelet and the two rings I love to pair with it!Have a lovely week!!!
Emily xx -
Tea with Tiara ?☕?
What could be better, mid-week then spending an entire day with your close friend? Especially, when she lives in another province!
My friend Tiara and I had a lovely girl’s day, this past Wednesday. We had “at home” facials and enjoyed some healthy treats before heading out for some afternoon tea at a local favourite. ? We ended up chatting the whole day away… Everything from our faith to fashion to health and fitness. Pray
Here are some pictures from our afternoon tea:
Disneyland and Pandora!!!
Take me back to Disneyland!!!! Happy Sunday!!! I hope you are all doing well.
Well, it has been a very “Disney-fied” time on my youtube channel recently. I am slowly finishing my way through my Disneyland videos. As of most recently, I have published both my Disneyland and Disney x Pandora Park Exclusive charm videos to youtube (see below). And I am currently working on my final instalment of my Fashion Diaries | Disneyland series. With this instalment, I am trying to fit days 4, 5 and 6 together. Here’s hoping I can edit the footage so it is not too long. The only sad part is, I ended up loosing my day 4 video footage, so it will be mostly photos on that day.
Once I have finished editing and uploading all my Disney content, I will be in full Christmas mode. I am really looking forward to filming some fun Christmas content for you…and (of course) that will include my updated Pandora Christmas bracelet!
Much Love to you all!!!
Emily xx
Youtube Live with MyPandoraCharmedLife!
So excited to announce that Nichol and I will be hosting a second “virtual tea date” on Youtube Live! It has been long overdue, since we were planning to make it a monthly event! Both our lives got a bit crazier, over the last few months and we are happy that things have calmed down, so we can put some time into this!!!
In this Youtube Live, we will be discussing the Pandora 2018 Christmas collection, a Q&A and more!!! If you would like to join us, make sure to get a cup of tea ready and free up your Sunday at 5:00 PM Eastern! The live will be hosted on my Youtube Channel, FashionStoryteller, so make sure you have notifications turned off (just click that bell), to get a notification when the live starts!
We are so looking forward to it and hope to see you there!!!
xx Emily
Our Halloween Pandora Bracelets | ft. Pandora Told Tales
One more little post, although it is quite delayed because I published this video a few weeks before Halloween!
My close friend, Tiara (PandoraToldTales) was in town and we decided to film a video together. We actually had filmed a previous video, back in the summer time. Unfortunately, that footage got corrupted and I was unable to recover the video footage (just a few photos). I was sooo happy to finally have the opportunity to film another video with her, but more importantly…to see her and spend some much needed time catching up!
Tiara recently started her Pandora collection and she loves finding and hunting down preloved Pandora charms. She finds such crazy amazing deals on Pandora charms! We are hoping to film another video together, to give you tips and tricks on how to buy preloved Pandora.
Let’s also hope she starts a youtube channel or blog to share all her tips and designs, as well!
Have a lovely evening,
Emily xx
- Disney Magic, Disney x Pandora, Disneyland, Fashion, Fashion Diaries, Jewellery, Lifestyle, Pandora, Petite Style
Fashion Diaries | Disneyland Series
It’s been a bit of a delay since my last blog post! So much has happened the past two months, but the most exciting was my husband and I’s trip to Disneyland! It was the absolute best. Since I wasn’t able to go on rides (health reasons), I took a TON of video footage of all our adventures and I decided it would be fun to start a series called, Fashion Diaries. Basically, it’ll be a look into what I did and what I wore during special events, vacations, day in the life, etc.
So far, I have three videos published in my Fashion Diaries series, Disneyland Edition! I will leave them linked below. I hope to finish up days 4,5,6 either in 1-2 more videos. I ended up loosing the video footage from day 4 (so sad), so it should be easy to put days 4 and 5 together. Possibly, even day 6…depending on how long the footage is!
These videos are so much fun to edit, although they do take quite a bit of time! I have over an hours worth of footage for each day. It is amazing editing the footage because it truly transports me right back into Disneyland…I can relive all the magical moments!
Have you ever been to Disneyland? Or a special place you love to visit? I would love to know!
Have a lovely evening,
Emily xx
My Husband’s Pandora Bracelet | Mandora
On Saturday morning, I published a video that is very special to me: my husband guest stars along side me to show you his “Mandora” Pandora bracelet! I was so proud of him, I think he did a fantastic job since it was his first time on camera. I hope you enjoy watching this mini Q&A with him!
I would also love to know if your significant others like to wear more masculine feeling jewellery…or even have their own “Mandora”.
Have a lovely day!
– Emily xx
Meet My Guinea Pigs
An instrumental video featuring my three furry family members: Harlow, Zooey and Georgina (Georgie for short).
Thank you (youtube live was so much fun)!
A huge thank you to everyone who joined Nichol and I for our first official tea/coffee date on Youtube. It was such a fun way to connect and chat with you all and I honestly enjoyed every minute. Nichol and I are planning to do monthly live chats together, rotating on our channels…and I cannot wait until the next one!
During the live chat…quite a few of you mentioned us creating a Facebook group. This is such a fun idea and is something we are going to look into! We would love to know what kind of things you would like to see on the facebook group. Please let us know!
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and a great week ahead!!!
Until next time..
Emily xx
Live with My Pandora Charmed Life
Come join Nichol (aka MyPandoraCharmedLife) and I for a virtual tea/coffee date on Youtube Live! We have some exciting things to share and are looking forward to discussing all things Pandora with you. Please keep an eye out on our instagram accounts for a direct link to the live video or turn on “notifications” on our youtube channels to be notified. We hope to see you there!!! xx