Moress Secret Garden Collection | Winter Themed Charm Bracelet
A new Moress Video is up on my Youtube Channel! I am sharing a review and winter styling of two beads from Moress’ Secret Garden Collection. You can find the video HERE:
I don’t know about you, but I love the magical season of winter. It might be cold, but the beauty of sparkling snow dusted everything…it’s so beautiful!!!
I decided to incorporate two charms from the Moress Secret Garden Collection into a winter themed bangle design:
Feel free to use my coupon code: EMILY to save 15% off your Moress order!
*this post contains gifted product
#BeadmasStories Day 9
A sky of wonder… Known as the brightest star in the night’s sky (visible from Earth), Sirius can be seen as one of the best wishing stars! And that is why I chose A SIRIUS WISH | OHM BEADS as today’s Beadmas2019 | BeadmasStories Day 9 giveaway bead!
Have you ever gazed up at the winter’s night sky and admired the mystery, the beauty…the snow falling, the stars twinkling…the moon glowing? As a Christian, I often think of, The Three Kings (AKA, the Magi or the Three Wise Men) and ponder how amazing it must have been to see, The Star of Bethlehem, as I gaze up at that dark sky. There are many theories on what this star actually was: multiple stars, a comet, exploding star, “dancing planets”, conjunction of multiple planets, etc!
While Sirius is not in these theories, it still makes me think of a winter’s night sky…and that wonder and awe that must have been experienced by every one who saw the Star of Bethlehem!
Ohm Beads’ A Sirius Wish is a stunning bead…full of mystery and wonder! It’s a wonderful bead to add to any bracelet design and a lovely reminder to make your wishes a reality!!!A Sirius Wish – Ohm Beads To enter into today’s giveaway, for this bead…please answer the following questions correctly:
1. What do I think of, when I gaze up at a winter’s night sky?
2. If you wished on a star, what would you wish for?
3. What was one of the theories about the “Star of Bethlehem”?
4. What is your Instagram username (if you win this bead, I will be contacting you through instagram)?
Giveaway ends on December 10th, 2019 at 2:30 PM EASTERN. Winner will be announced on my Instagram stories. Thank you, Ohm Beads for letting me host some of your Beadmas Giveaways!!! xx