Ogerbeads | Winter Luxury Collection 2019 | Review
Ogerbeads | Luxury Winter Collection 2019 Review In this video, I share the newest winter collection from Ogerbeads: the Luxury Collection. It has royalty influence with that classic touch of Ogerbeads magic! I review 4 out of the 8 muranos from the collection, as well as a silver bead.
You can view the entire Ogerbeads Luxury Winter Collection here!One of my favourite beads: The Acorn Ogerbeads sent 5 beads from their 10 bead release, for me to review for you. All opinions and thoughts are 100% my own. A huge thank you for your love and support. I would not have opportunities to collaborate with brands I love…if it were not for each and every single one of you. You make my dreams come true!
Bracelet Design that I created with some of the new beads from the winter collection! -
My Ogerbeads Collection + Brand Overview | Will Ogerbeads fit on my Pandora Bracelets?
My Ogerbeads Collection Video In this video, I share my Ogerbeads collection with you, as well as providing an overview of the different silver beads and murano glass beads that Ogerbeads creates! I will also demonstrate the differences between small and universal core beads, as well as showing you which Pandora bracelets, Trollbeads bracelets and Ohm Beads bracelets will fit both small and universal core beads from Ogerbeads. I also share some of my favourite Ogerbeads designs with you! I hope you enjoy this video!
Astra Fragments by Ogerbeads -
My Favourite Christmas Tea | Beadmas2019 Day 12 of #BeadmasStories
St. Nick is checking his list…twice! As the Christmas season rolls in, it is time for my favourite Christmas tea: Santa’s Secret from DAVIDsTEA*! Have you ever wondered how Santa is able to deliver all those toys, presents and cheer in one night? Well, here’s his secret (besides Christmas magic, of course)! A delicious Chinese black tea with peppermint, vanilla and magical candy cane sprinkles!
Santa’s best kept Secret!!! This tea is so delicious! I love having it black, but it also makes a delicious tea latte! There’s two ways I love to make it as a latte:
Latte Recipe One:
1. 3-4 perfect spoonfuls of Santa’s Secret
2. Fill your Steeper with about 235ml of water (roughly right above the DAVIDsTEA logo)
3. Feel free to add your choice of sweetener to the steeper (honey, agave, etc.) as the tea steeps. Roughly, 1tbs. Lightly stir in.
4. Steep for 4-6 minutes, depending on taste level.
5. Dispense tea into your favourite Christmas mug.
6. Froth about 235ml of your choice of: Almond Milk, Soy Milk or Milk. I have a video about how I froth my almond milk, HERE.
7. Pour your frothed milk over your Santa’s Secret Tea..and VOILA! Your Santa’s Secret Latte is ready to be enjoyed!
Latte Recipe Two:
1. 3-4 perfect spoonfuls of Santa’s Secret
2. Fill your Steeper with about 235ml of water (roughly right above the DAVIDsTEA logo)
3. Feel free to add your choice of sweetener to the steeper (honey, agave, etc.) as the tea steeps. Roughly, 1tbs. Lightly stir in.
4. I also add a tiny bit of vanilla extract, just a drop!
5. Steep for 4-6 minutes, depending on taste level.
6. Dispense tea into your favourite Christmas mug.
7. Froth about 235ml of Peppermint Chocolate Almond Milk. I have a video about how I froth my almond milk, HERE.
8. Pour your frothed Peppermint Chocolate Almond milk over your Santa’s Secret Tea. Please note, the chocolate almond milk will not froth as much as normal almond milk…but this tastes like a peppermint hot chocolate and is sooo sooo delicious!HO HO HO! Now, as you know, today is the last day of Beadmas 2019 | #BeadmasStories. As for today’s giveaway, Ohm Beads and I are teaming away to give one lucky winner the Ohm St. Nick bead! This is a very special bead to me because he represents my chosen Saint Name. As a Catholic, I got confirmed into my faith when I was in grade 8. I remembering researching so many different saints, but the one that stood out to me the most, was my hero since I was a little girl: Saint Nicholas. He was so inspiring to me…and the fact that his memory lives on through one of the most magical and holy seasons was very special to me! Now, pretty much every single person made “fun of me” for picking a “boy’s name” as my Saint. But I didn’t care…it wasn’t about what people thought of me! And…my Confirmation Sponsor (unknown to me, at the time) had chosen St. Valentine as her saint!
To find out how to win this bead, head over to my Instagram, @fashionstoryteller and look for one of those photos used in this blog post!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! xx
Emily D.
*P.S: some of the links, in this blog post are affiliate links.St. Nick by Ohm Beads -
#BeadmasStories Day 9
A sky of wonder… Known as the brightest star in the night’s sky (visible from Earth), Sirius can be seen as one of the best wishing stars! And that is why I chose A SIRIUS WISH | OHM BEADS as today’s Beadmas2019 | BeadmasStories Day 9 giveaway bead!
Have you ever gazed up at the winter’s night sky and admired the mystery, the beauty…the snow falling, the stars twinkling…the moon glowing? As a Christian, I often think of, The Three Kings (AKA, the Magi or the Three Wise Men) and ponder how amazing it must have been to see, The Star of Bethlehem, as I gaze up at that dark sky. There are many theories on what this star actually was: multiple stars, a comet, exploding star, “dancing planets”, conjunction of multiple planets, etc!
While Sirius is not in these theories, it still makes me think of a winter’s night sky…and that wonder and awe that must have been experienced by every one who saw the Star of Bethlehem!
Ohm Beads’ A Sirius Wish is a stunning bead…full of mystery and wonder! It’s a wonderful bead to add to any bracelet design and a lovely reminder to make your wishes a reality!!!A Sirius Wish – Ohm Beads To enter into today’s giveaway, for this bead…please answer the following questions correctly:
1. What do I think of, when I gaze up at a winter’s night sky?
2. If you wished on a star, what would you wish for?
3. What was one of the theories about the “Star of Bethlehem”?
4. What is your Instagram username (if you win this bead, I will be contacting you through instagram)?
Giveaway ends on December 10th, 2019 at 2:30 PM EASTERN. Winner will be announced on my Instagram stories. Thank you, Ohm Beads for letting me host some of your Beadmas Giveaways!!! xx -
Day 5 of #BeadmasStories
Peace on Earth, Good Will to ALL!!! OUR WORLD by Ohm Beads…is my chosen prize for today’s #BeadmasStories post!!!! It is a bead that I feel is a wonderful reminder, especially around Christmas time!!! After all (sings:) Peace on Earth, Good Will to…ALL! 🙂
Here, in the Christmas season is where we all come together to celebrate with loved ones, near and dear…but also extend welcoming hearts and friendly smiles to others…outside of our family and friends. We can do this in so many ways: charity donations, smiling at strangers, paying it forward, etc!
It is also a time to be thankful, count our blessings and give thanks. What are you thankful for, this Christmas?
It is also a reminder to help protect and care for our planet and do our part in reducing waste! There’s so many easy adjustments we can do, to help our planet!!! What are your tips for helping reduce waste, during the Christmas season? Please comment down below and leave your instagram name, so I can contact you…should you be the winner!Entries posted before 8 PM Eastern will be considered. Winner will be announced and notified tomorrow, December 6th after 8 PM Eastern. One random winner will be drawn! Winner must answer the TWO questions, (in this blog post) to qualify to win!
Make sure to follow my hashtag, #beadmasstories so, you don’t miss a chance to enter the next 11 days!!! And follow #beadmas2019 to see the other fun giveaways going on in the community!
Our World by Ohm Beads -
#beadmasstories Day 3
Snowshoeing with Snowman in December 2013. Happy Tuesday! Today is Day 3 of Beadmas 2019, which means it is time for another #beadmasstories giveaway! Instead of hosting it on my Instagram, I’ve decided to host today’s giveaway on my blog.
One of my favourite hobbies is hiking and when the winter season comes…that turns into snowshoeing! There is nothing better than hiking up a mountain or in a forest…covered in magical snow!
Snowman and I first got into snowshoeing back in 2012 and every year we look forward to going. It is a great way to get in your cardio, but it doesn’t even feel like exercise when you are surrounded by so much beauty and wonder! I always pretend that we are adventuring about in Narnia and to be careful…the Snow Queen might appear…at any moment! We also have a tradition of doing a Christmas snowshoe hike!
After a nice, long snowshoeing adventure, my husband and I always head to a local cafe to warm ourselves with piping hot tea for the journey home. From there, I have a nice hot shower and change into the coziest loungewear and watch the tv fireplace while cuddling into Snowman (aka my husband, if you did not know). Oh, and of course we have more tea!
I really treasure these moments…simple, but perfect and a great time to reflect on your many blessings and loved ones. And have some quality time with your significant other.Snowshoeing January 2018 For today’s #beadmasstories, one special winner will receive the Ohm Beads Snowshoes. This bead is on my Wishlist and I hope to add to my collection, one day soon. Why, you ask? I feel like it captures that warm, magical and cozy feeling of snowshoeing, just perfectly!
Isn’t this bead just the cutest?!! To enter to win:
1. Comment down below what your favourite winter activity or sport is!
2. Answer the following question: what do Snowman and I watch on the tv, after snowshoeing?
3. Your Instagram username, so I can contact you, if you win!
Entries posted before 4 PM Eastern will be considered. Winner will be announced and notified tomorrow, December 4th after 4 PM Eastern. One random Winner will be drawn! Winner must answer questions 1 and 2 correctly. ✨✨ Make sure to follow my hashtag, #beadmasstories✨ so, you don’t miss a chance to enter the next 11 days!!! And follow #beadmas2019 to see the other fun giveaways going on in the community!Time to go snowshoeing!!! - Fashion, Fashion Diaries, Jewellery, Lifestyle, Ohm Beads, Ohm Reviews, Ohm Style, Petite Style, Tea, Uncategorized
About my recent video |Autumn Style | Ohm Lucky Red Whip Bracelet
Autumn Style | Ohm Lucky Red A few days ago, I posted my Autumn Style | Ohm Lucky Red video on my youtube channel. This is probably one of my most favourite videos I have done…because it turned out better than I had imagined and planned out, in my head!
I filmed half of the footage and Snowman helped film the scenes with Ella and I outdoors. He executed my vision perfectly. When I was editing through the footage, I couldn’t be more happier or impressed!!! It was hard to narrow down the footage to be around 6 minutes long…there were so many magical, outdoor scenes! Thank you so much, Snowman.In my happy place! I love that I get to take you all along with me, as I go on a my daily autumn walk with Ella. The majority of the outdoor shots are taken at one of my favourite parks, that goes around a gorgeous lake. When we were filming, it was right near sunset and it felt extra enchanting…a true golden hour. The setting sun flickered through the vibrant coloured leaves and the wind blew about and it couldn’t have been more perfect or autumn-like.
With DAVIDsTEA in hand, walking my little Ella through an Autumn Wonderland of Leaves! Ohm Beads was kind enough to send me the Lucky Red Whip Bracelet to review (thank you so much…I would not have these opportunities without each and every one of you!). This bracelet had been on my Ohm Beads Wishlist (you can see it on my Instagram) after I saw it on their Instagram page. When I pulled it out of the packaging, the lucky red colour was even more vibrant in-person. It instantly inspired an autumn style themed video!!! However, I had to be patient because the weather was not in agreement to film, right away. It was stormy for about a week, haha. But I waited patiently and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect afternoon!
Wearing my Lucky Red Ohm Whip Bracelet. I styled my Ohm Lucky Red Whip Bracelet with Ohm Wood Ent, Ohm Thanks A Lot and Ohm Heart of the Woods. I also used the Ohm WHO clasp as a decorative feature.
Shown, are Ohm Wood Ent and Ohm Thanks A Lot. Feeling cozy in my Roots sweater. Doesn’t my Lucky Red bracelet just POP!? Now, onto my outfit…
My Autumn Outfit of the Day. OUTFIT DETAILS
Roots x Line Knitwear
Dollhouse JeansHat Pin
Pandora Me Safety Pin BroochNecklace
Ohm Beads Love Grows *Bracelet, left wrist
Lucky Red Whip Bracelet *Bracelet, right wrist
Ohm Beads Twisted Bangle with Inner Self BeadAutumn Boots
Hudson Bay CompanySilver Quilted Purse
Rebecca MinkoffAnd we cannot forget about the tea of the video!!!! In the video, I enjoyed Vanilla Cappuccino by DAVIDsTEA. This was a tea my friend, Jo had recommended. When I am not sure how many grams of tea to purchase, I love to try it, “to go”. I decided to get, Vanilla Cappuccino, as a latte with almond milk. It was soo delicious and I am going to be purchasing at least 100 grams! If you are interested in ordering it, feel free to shop my affiliates links below:
DAVIDsTEA USA Vanilla Cappuccino
DAVIDsTEA CAN Vanilla CappuccinoAnyway, that is it for this blog post! Talk to you all soon!!! And I hope you all had a spooktacular Halloween!
Emily xxPumpkin Season with a little hyper-Ella! -
My Autumn Themed Bracelet ft. Pandora, Trollbeads, Ohm Beads and Corner 35
The tea of the video was: Pumpkin Chai by DAVIDsTEA
Shop my affiliates link with DAVIDsTEA USA
Shop my affiliates link with DAVIDsTEA CAN
In this video, I share my autumn bracelet design for Linda’s #Septcharminspo challenge on Instagram! I love the colours of this bracelet, I feel it captures the enchanting autumn colours schemes so well! I also love that I used beads/charms from some of my favourite jewellery brands: I combined Pandora Charms, Ohm Beads, Trollbeads and Corner35 beads all onto my Trollbeads foxtail bracelet.
Pandora Me Haul & Review | Pandora X Millie Bobby Brown
In this video, I share my Pandora Me Haul, as well as a full review of the Pandora Me Collector’s Kit, Pandora Me Safety Pin Brooch and Pandora Me Micro Charm Dangles. I also share my personal style suggestions on how I like to wear the Pandora Brooch and I answer the question if Pandora Me Micro Charm Dangles fit on Pandora Essence! I hope you enjoy this video!
Shop my DAVIDsTEA affiliate links:
DAVIDsTEA Cold 911 http://bit.ly/33osA34 (Canada estore)
DAVIDsTEA Cold 911 http://bit.ly/2MClPnP (USA estore)Pandora Me Safety Pin Brooch with My Shooting Star and My Nature Micro Dangles Pandora Me Collectors Set Pandora Me Collectors Set Gift with Purchase -
Preview Day | Nov. 2019 Ohm Beads Collection
Odette – Special Ohm Beads Release on November 8th, 2019 Happy OHM BEADS Preview Day!!! In this blog post, I will be sharing my personal wish list beads from the upcoming release of the Ohm Beads November 2019 Collection. The official release date (unless otherwise noted), is on November 1st, 2019.
All pictures featured in this blog are courtesy of Ohm Beads.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to be an Ohmbassador and share this exciting content with you all. I would not have these opportunities without each and every one of you, so thank you! And…thank you, Ohm!Odette – Inspired by, The Swan Princess Odette – Ohm Beads exclusive
Illustrated and Designed by British designer, Rebecca Cresswell.
Release Date: November 8, 2019 at 6:00 PM GMT
You can check your official release time HERE.
This is hands down, the top bead on my Wishlist from the November 2019 release. And I absolutely LOVE the packaging!!!
Here is what Ohm Beads has to say about this special charm:
This bead design is truly of magical proportions, entwining beauty and hidden meaning within her form. Inspired by the story ‘Swan Lake’ which is a timeless captivating love story about magical Swans.
Odette is a beautiful Swan Princess who under the spell of a sorcerer, spends her days as a Swan swimming on a lake of tears and her nights in her beautiful human form.
Wear a little piece of magic that holds a little slice of English charm designed to spread love, hope and remind you of calmness within today’s busy world.Swan Princess ODETTE Look at those feather details! Illustrated by Rebecca Cresswell The next bead (or should I say, beadS…) is the Ohm Lemon collection featuring four glass beads.
I am a huge lover of lemon flavoured desserts (which is something I share in common with my dear friend, Nichol) and I could not be more excited for this release. I just love thinking about adding pops of yellows to my outfits!!!! I will especially love wearing these glass beads in the spring and summer seasons…or when I am wishing for warmer days ahead!
Here is what Ohm Beads has to say about this collection:
Who doesn’t love the sharp, clean smell or zesty taste of lemon? It is sunshine in your mouth. We love lemon cookies and pies, lemon tea, lemon marmalade, lemon pepper fish, ice-cold lemonade, or a zippy lemon twist in our favorite cocktail. In celebration of all things wonderfully lemon, OHM proudly presents this flavorful new assortment of bright, lemony glass beads: each one adding brilliance to your bracelet and a hearty spoonful of another favorite dessert.In order from left to right:
LEMON DROP SORBET, LEMON MERINGUE TARTOHM LEMON COLLECTION If I had to pick a favourite glass bead from the Lemon Collection, I would have to go with one of my favourite desserts, Lemon Meringue Tart:
Lemon Meringue How tasty does that look?! Speaking of glass beads, the other glass beads collection that will be releasing is called, Out There. These beads are truly magical and I can see myself dressing them up or down!
Here is what Ohm Beads has to say:
Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, as well as their interpretations. The ability to communicate an idea is nearly impossible. It is honestly magic that we do do it. When you are studied in stories, words, symbols, tropes, references, memes, gifs, emojis, etc., communication becomes possible. The sharing of knowledge fuels our species and allows us to reach for the stars.Out There, glass beads collection paired with Odette and Imagine There are three glass beads in the collection. They are:
A SIRIUS WISH DEEP BLUE GALAXY The last glass bead that I am loving is through The Art Oblivion OHMster Exclusive (meaning you can only purchase the bead through, The Art Oblivion website). It is called, Imagine.
How often do you think I catch myself day dreaming? All the time!!! So, I cannot think of a better glass bead choice for me! And I just love those puffy white clouds and that vibrant pop of blue!
Here is what Ohm has to say:
IMAGINE invites us to lay on our backs, look up at the sky, and allow the stories of the sky to unfold. Let your mind open to the STREAM of your own imagination.
Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”— Lewis CarrollIMAGINE IMAGINE IMAGINE Moving back into silver beads, my second last favourite is not an item for myself…but one I would love to purchase for quite a few of my friends who are nurses (and one female doctor).
It is called, Listen to Love.
Here is what Ohm has to say about it:
Nurses are the backbone of any health organization. They do what needs to be done. They continually give and give no matter what while caring for those that need it most. They help, they heal, and they love.Listen to Love by Ohm Beads Now, last…BUT…certainly not least!!!! My last wish list item is the BOTM for November 2019, Oracle. It is absolutely amazing and…once again, Ohm Beads does the most spectacular, storytelling packaging!
Oracle BOTM comes with a tea light holder. Here is what Ohm has to say about their BOTM:
Each face spins. There is a cut-out in the spinner to view which number or symbol it lands on. One face features 12 roman numerals as it were a clock face, the other face has 12 randomized simple symbols. These symbols can be either interpreted on the fly, or pre-assigned meanings or ideas.
The idea is that it can be used as an oracle to help guide you in your day and in your life. Similar to OHM TAROT CARDS or CHI CHI STICKS 2.0.Oracle, up close! I think it is so cool how it actually spins on the front and back!!! And that is it for my November 2019 wish list from Ohm Beads release!!! And if you haven’t already, make sure to watch Nichol’s/MyPandoraCharmedLife Preview video on the entire November release HERE. After you watch her video, please comment down below and tell me what items are going on your Ohmbeads Wishlist!!!
Happy Preview Day! xx